Hi, my name is Kim and I am addicted to books. See? I can admit it!!
Although I love the Valdemar saga, one of my favorite series that I go back to over and over again, I have to admit that this this installment of the Collegium Chronicles is my least favorite thus far. I still love Mags, as well his friends Lena and Bear, but this particular book dragged for me. Although his quest to find answers about his past was the focus of the novel, I think I enjoyed the stories of Lena and Bear and other characters more. Their stories had much more of an arc to them, whereas the main point of Mags' storyline was simply a carry-over from the previous novel.
The other thing that dampened my enjoyment was Mags' dialogue. This is the third book into the series and, if anything, his accent was worse. And that made reading difficult sometimes as I had to stop to puzzle out exactly what it was that he was saying. I understand the point behind the accent, but it was almost unreadable at times
My Recommendation
While this is not my favorite book in the series, I still feel that it is an importa part of the saga as hold. It is also a necessary read for the next two in the series.