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The Caffeinated Diva reads...

Hi, my name is Kim and I am addicted to books. See? I can admit it!! 

Audrey's Guide to Witchraft

Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft - Jody Gehrman

Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft is a quick and fun magical read. I love witchy books and this one had both a sweet romance and a good mystery to keep me engrossed.


Audrey is one of those main characters that is easy to like. She is a smart and thoughtful person, but she has insecurities, too. Her younger sister is everything she is not... outgoing, perky, a budding rock star. Sadie, too, her eccentric and vivid "cousin," also makes her feel a little tame. It is the realization that she is more than she knew that really makes Audrey grow into her own.


The romance in this story isn't insta-love, which I liked. In fact, Audrey is so certain that he will fall for her more outgoing sister that she barely entertains the thought of liking Julian for herself. I like that the romance didn't come easily, but was something that developed over time. complete with some rather unusual obstacles.


I loved Audrey's journal and I wish there had been a little more of it. It was sort of a blend of recipes and witchy notes and it was a lot of fun. I also wished we had had a bit more of her mother in the book to really understand their relationship, etc.

I do love the mythology of the witchy side of the story. There were bits of realism mixed with the fantastical and it was a great blend.


My Recommendation


This is a fun witchy read!

Source: http://thecaffeinateddivareads.multifacetedmama.com/?p=10487